Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm Back

I had to take a short sabbatical from blogging to attend to the realities of my life. The the uninitiated this is code for "I had to do the work that pays the bills". Last week that work was defending the tenure rights and due process rights of teachers in the event of a demotion in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. Having completed that task I decided to squeeze in a quick blog. I have to tip my hat to people who are able to blog daily while still holding down a job. I became interested in blogging after attending a meeting in which a prominent female blogger spoke about the importance of female voices in the bloggesphere. It was after that talk and hearing from other women who had given blogging a try that I decided to take a turn at it as well. I have since discovered the pleasure and the agony of this form of communication. The upside is the opportunity for me to express my deeply held opinions and beliefs to an audience that consists of more than just my five year old daughter who appears to be fascinated always manages to bring the conversation back around to princesses and cookies. I have also had the opportunity to meet other like minded people. The downside is that not everyone is going to agree with your point of view and a thick skin is definitely a job requirement. The other challenge for a blogger is the desire to blog ahead of the main stream media. It is actually quite amazing how much of a delay there is between when stories begin to develop and when you actually hear about it on CNN or read it in your local paper. I would encourage anyone who has written or considered writing a letter to the editor to think about starting a blog. The only requirements are a computer, a Internet connection and a opinion. I found the tools here at www.blogger.com to be very user friendly but there are other ones.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Obama Phonebank in Macon Georgia

Senator Obama still needs us here in Macon, Georgia. The fight is not over and we have received a request for help from the Pennsylvania Field Director who has asked that we, here in Macon, Georgia, help provide phone support for the campaign workers in Pennsylvania. The campaign workers in Pennsylvania are knocking on doors and they need people on the telephone to help bring Senator Obama's message of hope and change to the "Keystone State". We will have a phonebanking session on Saturday, April 4,2008. It is not necessary that you have any experience making phone calls for the campaign. Even if you have never phonebanked before this a great opportunity to learn, socialize with other supporters and help the campaign. Senator Obama's campaign has reached out to Macon and I know that we are ready to answer the call to service. Please Save the Date, and I will post the exact time and location in the next day or so.

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