Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Obama Phonebank in Macon Georgia

Senator Obama still needs us here in Macon, Georgia. The fight is not over and we have received a request for help from the Pennsylvania Field Director who has asked that we, here in Macon, Georgia, help provide phone support for the campaign workers in Pennsylvania. The campaign workers in Pennsylvania are knocking on doors and they need people on the telephone to help bring Senator Obama's message of hope and change to the "Keystone State". We will have a phonebanking session on Saturday, April 4,2008. It is not necessary that you have any experience making phone calls for the campaign. Even if you have never phonebanked before this a great opportunity to learn, socialize with other supporters and help the campaign. Senator Obama's campaign has reached out to Macon and I know that we are ready to answer the call to service. Please Save the Date, and I will post the exact time and location in the next day or so.

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