Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I don't feel safe yet

We have passed the five year marker of the war in Iraq and we mourn the loss of the lives of 4,000 brave Americans on foreign soil. At this sad point in American history, I am forced to ask myself, do I feel safe yet? This was the war post-911 that was supposed to make me feel safer, but just like the weapons of mass destruction that never materialized that feeling of security has yet to show up either.

This past week we have discovered that all of the presidential candidates have had their passport files snooped into. Regardless, of which canidate you are cheering for, one of these people will be the next President of the United States! Not to mention that one of the alleged snoopers was a new employee..ie..a low level employee. If I hear the phrase low level employee one more time I might just scream. I can't figure out how every low level employee in these political campaigns and in governmental agencies has such free reign and access to secure information. When I was a low level employee I was stuck guarding the stapler and the copy machine. I guess times have changed, and consequently,I am seriously considering quitting my current occupation and becoming a low level employee, because obviously the perks are much better. Forgive me if I am wrong, but if our government can't protect passport information I believe that I am entitled to feel a certain lack of confidence that the war in Iraq is going to protect my life and make my children safer.

Moreover, rather than keeping weapons out of the hands of other countries, today came the revelation that we have shipped missile parts to Taiwan. President Bush and Senator McCain keep telling me that we can't leave Iraq until we have won the war, but when I looked at my children hunting for Easter eggs on Easter Sunday and then went into my house to be confronted by images of Iraqi mothers cradling their children wounded by landmines, I just could not conjure up the feeling that we are winning. Maybe I am just not that bright, but I would love to have the current administration explain to me when I will know when we have won this war. Where exactly is the finish line? Maybe, it is hiding out with those weapons of mass destruction?

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