Saturday, March 15, 2008

In case no-one told you...We are in a Recession

We can talk about prostitution, race, gender, politics, heaven forbid annexation( ok, that is my local soapbox which I am adamantly opposed to for the record), but our President just can't seem to bring himself to say the "R" word. Does he think that Americans have not noticed the vacant homes in their neighborhood that have been foreclosed on, or the shrinking job market or the rising costs of food or the price of gas? The truly ironic part of this is that this economic tunnel vision seems to be selective, because someone noticed pretty quickly when Bear Stearns let on that they were in tottering on the brink of financial ruin and the Calvary is riding in to the rescue them as I write this blog. In case you are not familiar with Bear Stearns they are a large Wall Street securities firm who found themselves suffering from a serious lack of cash(sounds like a page from my life), but unlike me, Bear Stearns got emergency funding on Friday from the United States Federal Reserve and JPMorgan in the largest government bailout of a US securities firm in history. The Fed acted to prevent the failure of the second-biggest underwriter of US mortgage bonds and forestall a potential market panic as losses by banks and brokers reached US$195 billion and stocks plunged last week. However, back on Main Street everyday Americans are struggling to hang onto at least one of their ends, because they have given up on the ends meeting. Why is there no cavalry for our friends, family, neighbors and people who work hard everyday. Oh yeah, I forgot it's not a recession, it's a $195 billion bump in the road. Governor Sonny Perdue (R. Ga) was quoted in the Macon Telegraph (3-11-2008) as saying "As we see the economic clouds gathering over the nation, I think we can expect these will not miss our state" Maybe it is just me (have you seen the Georgia foreclosure rate lately), but it seems that it is already raining in Georgia, Mr. Governor and in my humble opinion, it might be a good time to at least think about looking for a umbrella.

As an aside, with all due respect to Mayor Reichert, I believe that the City of Macon is using this same strategy to cure the financial ills of the city by annexing parts of Bibb County and Jones County. This is the "I can't pay my bills so I will annex some people to help me" strategy. Sorry, I digress.

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