Saturday, March 15, 2008

Macon Junior Olympics

Today I dragged myself out of bed at 8:00 on a Saturday morning so that my two kids could participate in the 29th Annual Junior Olympics which is put on by the Riverside Optimist Club and was held at Thompson Stadium. I first had to convince my 5year old and my 10year old that going outside to engage in athletic competition was really more fun than staying inside all day and playing video games and snacking. When we arrived at the track the event was well organized and the members of the Optimist Club were friendly and excited about the event. The kids from 5years old to 12 years old competed in the broad jump, softball throw, the 50 yard dash and the 100 yard dash. Trophies and medals were awarded to the winners. I was surprised at the number of different schools which were represented. Some of the schools were Alexander II, Jones County, Vineville, St. Peter Claver and at least one home schooled child. Please forgive me if I have missed the schools of any of the other participants but feel free to email me and I will be happy to write an update. Although my children did not win any awards I thought that it was important to teach them not only how one carries themselves win you win but how to behave when you don't and there is great courage in just participating in the challenge. It was also a wonderful opportunity for children who don't live near each other or go to school together to mingle and meet. My sincere thanks to the Riverside Optimist Club for that opportunity and to Mr. Bud Fletcher who was kind enough to invite me to the general meeting of the Club which are held at 7am on Monday mornings in the cafeteria at the Coliseum Hospital.

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