Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wisconsin Superdelegate backs Sen. Obama

In the spirit of full disclosure I should state that I fully support Senator Barack Obama and am in fact running to be a delegate for Senator Obama for the Georgia 8th congressional district. I believe that the Democratic Party needs a healing and I will support whoever ends up being the party's presidential nominee. I also believe that the American people more than anything need real answers and real solutions and no more partisianship politics that leave us all worse for the wear. That said on to the subject of this post. Wisconsin superdelegate Melissa Schroeder has pledged her support to Senator Obama. Ms. Schroeder is quoted as saying "After much consideration, I have decided to endorse Senator Barack Obama. My decision came down to electability and who I felt would do a better job of unifying this country for a common purpose. Obama's message of hope and change has touched millions of voters in a way that I haven't seen since the late 1960's. People from every walk of life, young and the not so young, Democrats, Independents and some Republicans, are all rallying around a belief that change can happen if we want it bad enough. With Obama as our nominee, I am confident that this November we will increase our majority in the House and Senate and elect a Democrat to the White House."

As many superdelegates remain in hiding waiting for a certain sign that they will be on the right side of history i.e. that they will have supported the person who will eventually sit in the Oval Office, I applaud Ms. Schroeder for her endorsement at a time when the winner of the primary race is still unclear.

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1 comment:

KCSunchile said...

Hi Stephanie,
Congratulations on starting your blog! I haven't had a chance to touch bases with you due to my own hectic schedule. I hate blogging...oh well. Hope that all is well with you and yours.
