Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When is enough, enough?

The race for the Democratic nomination has become a bloodsport unlike anything that has been seen since the days of the gladiator. Quite frankly, although I support Senator Obama, I have not been happy with either campaign this week. I grew up in Pensacola, Florida, a Navy town, in a Navy family and in military housing. I am a patriot and I believe that both a former and a current President of these United States deserves some baseline respect and the benefit of the doubt. Consequently, I did not agree with former President Clinton being compared to McCarthy. On the reverse side, I believe that former President Bill Clinton should remain presidential and above the fray and implying that another American is unpatriotic is definitely not presidential. I would love to see him retire from the campaign trail and preserve his legacy. There is something important about being dignified and preserving your legacy.

I also found the comments about the stains on the blue dress to be in such bad taste. It is not as if those were Senator Clinton's stains. I believe that Chelsey Clinton was completely right to decline to answer questions on this issue during her question and answer session at a college campus. Can't we maintain some modicum of respect and by the way it is still appropriate to call people by their title. Senator Clinton, Senator Obama, Senator McCain, these people have earned that respect and I think calling them by their first name alone is disrespectful.

And just when you thought things could not get any more bizarre, we have Senator Clinton lying about her experience in Bosnia. I know there are those who would call these a mistake or a simple embellishment, but every college student who has beefed up their resume to get a job knows that this was an outright lie. Getting shot at by snipers is not something you forget. The thing that makes this particularly sad is that Senator Clinton is an undeniably accomplished woman. She redefined the image of the First Lady from being just pretty decoration and instead blazed a trail that proved that women could be smart and independent in their own right. This is the perfect example of "why tell a lie when the truth will do".

I hate to leave Senator McCain out of the discussion. He took a campaign trip on taxpayer money and then took along a few of his friends to sell us on the story that this was official Senate business. Then he came home and gave a truly awful speech on the economy. The upside for him is that the Democrats are capturing so much of the headlines (and not in the good way) that by the time anyone pays any attention to him, he may have actually have figured out what he should be saying about the economy.

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