Monday, March 10, 2008

This Hissy Fit is For Gov. Spitzer's Wife

So the breaking news as we know it is that Governor Spitzer of New York has been caught with his more than just his hands in the very expensive cookie jar. While I must admit a certain naughty interest in what a woman can do to make her cookies so sought after at the rate of $1,000.00 per hour I won't digress down that road. (but feel free to let a sista in on the secret). If you happen to know a Southern woman she can explain the concept of a Hissy Fit and in fact Mary Kay Andrews wrote an adorable book about a woman having one. For those of you who may not be able to find a Southern woman to consult on the topic, I will offer my definition based on my personal experience. Hissy Fit: a state of being in which you feel yourself going through all of the stages of a psychotic break. You carefully contemplate the amount of time you might serve if you slap the offending party upside the head. Usually severe bodily harm while contemplated is not actually inflicted.
On behalf of Mrs. Spitzer I am having a hissy fit. I am so sick of these male public figures misbehaving in such shameful ways and then dragging their poor wives on to the stage to publicly support them. A prostitute!!! Did he give any thought to his family, to those four beautiful women waiting at home for him. What is the message that he was sending to his three daughter....I am such a powerful man that I can publicly humiliate your mother and it will be okay. I know Mrs.Spitzer wanted to slap her husband upside the head with that microphone and prepared press release and I for one was cheering for her. He didn't take her with him to sample the working girls treats, so why should she now be dragged along to help deflect his shame. Step out into that bright light of disgrace the same way you stepped into it....alone.

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